Expanding the possibilities
of performance

Performance Festival: August 7-17, 2025

Red Google Maps pin on a wooden bench surrounded by pigeons Photo by Shari Kasman

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Live Art / Participatory

Shari Kasman

Outdoor - Bloordale

AUGUST 5, 6:30 PM

AUGUST 6, 7:00 PM

AUGUST 7, 6:30 PM

75 Minutes

Ticket Price

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Red Google Maps pin on a wooden bench surrounded by pigeons Photo by Shari Kasman

This is not your average walking tour!

At first glance, Bloordale may seem like your average west end Toronto neighbourhood, with too many cannabis shops and a few trendy bars sprinkled among the convenience stores. Hidden gems of Bloordale come to the forefront in this tour, as we stop at some of the newer landmarks to pop up on Google Maps. 

Perhaps you’ve heard of Bloordale Beach and are wondering where all the lifeguards have gone? Find out, as Shari Kasman will lead you between hotspots in a tour that includes an innovative blend of fact and fiction. This tour is guaranteed to highlight the weird, wonderful, and whimsical. Questions will be wholly encouraged! Keep your eyes peeled in August—if you see pins from Google Maps popping up around the area you’ll know why.

Artist: Shari Kasman

This project is made possible in part by support from the Toronto Arts Council’s Animating Streets Initiative.

Meeting point will be shared at least 24 hours in advance via email.

SummerWorks Public Works programming – bringing artists and audiences together to experience public space in new ways.

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