Expanding the possibilities
of performance

#SW35 Festival: August 7-17, 2025

photo by Anand Rajaram

Rohinton Mistry’s The Scream


The Theatre Centre - BMO Incubator

August 10, 10:15 PM

August 13, 6:30 PM

August 15, 7:45 PM

August 16, 9:30 PM

August 18, 8:15 PM

60 Minutes

Ticket Price
$15 / $25 / $35

photo by Anand Rajaram

Is the scream real, or just the imagination of a man nearing the end of his life and losing touch with reality? A tableau vivant in the form of a living oil painting, The Scream is a fascinating character study that serves as an indictment of class and privilege.

Written by Rohinton Mistry; Adapted, Directed, Produced, and Performed by Anand Rajaram; Set and Costume Design by Roxanne Ignatius; Lighting Design by Mark Andrada; Sound Design by Nicholas Murray

SummerWorks Presentations programming – a collection of fully-developed new works and touring productions, offering a snapshot of the future of contemporary performance.