Expanding the possibilities
of performance

Performance Festival: August 7-17, 2025

Illustration of a famous scene from the film Fame in which dancers go out into the streets and dance amongst the cars. This image points towards the idea of outdoor performances in unusual contexts. Illustration by Sultana Bambino

Lots of Love (LOL)

Interdisciplinary / Live Art

Lots of Love (LOL) Festival

Outdoor - The Junction

AUGUST 6, 2:00 PM

240 Minutes

Ticket Price

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Illustration of a famous scene from the film Fame in which dancers go out into the streets and dance amongst the cars. This image points towards the idea of outdoor performances in unusual contexts. Illustration by Sultana Bambino

Originating in Montreal, QC in spring 2021 in response to COVID restrictions for theatres, Lots of Love-LOL Fest is a series of live art performances created for backyards, alleyways, parks, garages, and other non-traditional locations, activated for a specific neighbourhood.

For SummerWorks, the Lots of Love Fest team is traveling with some of the works from the original edition, as well as teaming up local Toronto curators and artists to activate spaces  in the Junction neighbourhood. You are invited to engage with multiple pop-up performances over a 4-hour period. The work is meant to be enjoyed at your own speed, come and go as you please.

Secret location will be shared via email at least 24 hours in advance.

Curators: Sasha Kleinplatz, Liliane Moussa, Emile Pineault, Sarah Williams, Syreeta Hector 

Creators: Ritmo Falmenco, Chris Thornborrow, Ashley Colours Perez, Diego Gil, Maria Kefirova, Justin de Luna, Michael Martini, Lara Oundjian, Melina Stinson


This project is made possible in part by support from the Toronto Arts Council’s Animating Streets Initiative.

The artists also wish to acknowledge the support of POP Montreal, Circuit Est, Celine Bureau, Studio 303 and Produit Rien.

SummerWorks Public Works programming – bringing artists and audiences together to experience public space in new ways.