Expanding the possibilities
of performance

#SW35 Festival: August 7-17, 2025

photo by Matt Reznek

Footnote Number 12


Theatre Replacement / Spreafico Eckly

Longboat Hall at The Great Hall

August 11, 6:00 PM

August 13, 5:00 PM

August 16, 8:00 PM

75 Minutes

Ticket Price
$15 / $25 / $35

photo by Matt Reznek

A reflection on commas, or tennis, or mortality… or the last 13 years.

This monologue for two people asks you to observe a creature — a creature whose voice is being repeatedly modulated through digital means – as they try to reconcile a 13-year-old piece of writing with their conflicted contemporary condition.

Footnote Number 12 asks you how much a shifting social context should influence the reading of the written word.

Conception, design and original text by James Long and Andrea Spreafico; Performed by James Long; Directed by Andrea Spreafico; Sound Design and Live Modulation by Nancy Tam; Set Design and Construction by Philipp von Hase

The listed run times includes a 15 minute Q&A after each show.

SummerWorks Lab programming – a place for exploration, experimentation, and process, with diverse performance works shared at crucial stages of creative development, forging connections between artists and audiences.