Expanding the possibilities
of performance

#SW35 Festival: August 7-17, 2025

Illustration by Emily Jung

Festivals are Scary, Strange and Eerie / 유령들의 대화

Conversation / Free / Theatre

Baram Company x Emily Jung & Theresa Cutknife

Theatre Passe Muraille, Backspace

August 6, 5:00pm

80 Minutes

Ticket Price
FREE (no registration required)

Illustration by Emily Jung

Festivals are explosive, exhaustive, overwhelming — just like the impending climate crisis.

Two artist collaborator groups (one based in Tka:ronto and one in South Korea) have spent the last several months trying to research and create processes using “eco-dramaturgy”: an attempt to decenter human voices in storytelling.

In this current exchange, Korean, Canadian, and Indigenous artists and collaborators come together to investigate the concept of “festivity”, and attempt to share answers and tell stories about climate change from the perspective of 맹꽁이 (MengKkongYi), 산천어 (Sancheoneo), Butterfly, Frigatebird, Blue Heron, and Lost Creek.

This is a presentation of the process, with short scripted readings, followed by a conversation.

‘폭발적이고, 소모적이며, 압도적인 축제’ – 마치 임박한 기후 위기와 같습니다.

각각 Tka:ronto 와 한국에 기반을 둔 두 개의 아티스트 협력 그룹은 지난 몇 개월 동안 무대 위에서 ‘보여지는 것’과 ‘말할 수 있는 것’이 가지고 있던 기존의 권력과 질서를 재배치 하는 시도로 ‘생태드라마터지’를 연구하고, 이를 적용하여 희곡을 창작해 왔습니다.

이번 교류에서는 한국, 캐나다 그리고 선주민 아티스트가 한자리에 모여 ‘맹꽁이’, ‘산천어’, ‘나비’, ‘군함새’, ‘블루 헤론’ 그리고 ‘길 잃은 강’(이들은 <유령들의 대화> 시리즈의 주인공 입니다.)의 관점에서 기후 변화와 동시대의 ‘축제’ 그리고 ‘축제성’에 대해 이야기합니다.

이는 창작 과정 공유이며, 짧은 낭독 이후 대화가 이어집니다.

유령들의 대화/ Ghost Dialogue
Yunmi Han, collaborating artist, director, reader (she/they)
Yii Lee, collaborating artist, reader (they/them)
Min Chae, collaborating artist, dramaturg (she/her)
Nara Kim, collaborating artist, reader (she/her)
Emily Jung, reader (she/her)

Title TBC/ 제목미정
Emily Jung, collaborating artist, producer (she/her)
Theresa Cutknife, collaborating artist, reader (she/her)
Jesse Wabegijig, reader (they/them)

This project is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts’ Korea-Canada partnerships fund (2023) & collaboration fund (2024)


Content: the genre of this work is horror. There are mentions of climate disasters, colonialism, deaths, animal abuse.
Sensory: minimal audience participation

SummerWorks Exchange programming – a dynamic space for emergent creative thinking to come into focus, gathering artists and audiences together around relevant and urgent creative proposals and artistic practices.