Expanding the possibilities
of performance

Performance Festival: August 7-17, 2025

Looking down onto a city street from a great height, a pair of legs in brown pants and black shoes are in the foreground photo by Burst

Metamorphosis: A Viral Trilogy – Episode 2: Kerri Wonders


produced by Volcano Theatre and hosted by TO Live, SummerWorks, and Canadian Stage

Available August 24

Ticket Price

Looking down onto a city street from a great height, a pair of legs in brown pants and black shoes are in the foreground photo by Burst

Three fictional audio diaries by internationally acclaimed, multiple award-winning Toronto novelist André Alexis. Metamorphosis charts the progress of a fictional global pandemic in Canada’s largest city through three fictional audio diaries. These intimate conversations—from 13-year-old Lucretia, 30-year-old Kerri, and 86-year-old Nella—are funny, timely, and often fantastical.

Episode 2: Kerri Wonders

Performed by Becky Johnson. A self-described, and avowedly “average” 30-year-old woman is offered a tiny pill on the street as a years-long quarantine is lifted. In an uncharacteristic moment of abandon she swallows the pill. At first, she thinks it’s a prank. But over the following days, she begins to undergo some truly transformative and, for Kerri, extremely alarming changes. As her diary continues, Kerri must decide what to do with her brand new self in this brand new world.

>>click here to read the transcription

As part of the premiere of Volcano’s Kerri Wonders, SummerWorks commissioned artist Zaiah Briscoe to create a map that envisioned Kerri’s Toronto. We hope the places indicated can inspire your own travels as you listen to Kerri Wonders.

audio description file for the map image:

Episode 1: Lucretia in Quarantine

Hosted by TO Live, available August 17

Performed by Bahia Watson. Lucretia in Quarantine provides a portrait of Lucretia – a thirteen-year-old contending with how to care for her seven-year old sister, who, in turn, has decided to adopt a baby racoon. In the middle of a deadly global pandemic, these two children attempt to create a life with no parents. Both funny and moving, Lucretia’s diary beautifully explores loneliness, love and family in a time of extremity.

>>Learn More about Episode 1

Episode 3: Nella at 86

Hosted by Canadian Stage, available August 31

Performed by Diana Leblanc. A resident of a long-term care facility, Nella slowly learns of a virus making its way across the planet. Nella is no stranger to loss, and, in fact, is well equipped to reckon with it. As this new global pandemic begins to take its toll, though, she begins to grow lighter – realizing she can not only deal with what is coming, but can embrace it. Her diary, with its clear-sighted and often acerbic octogenarian perspective, reveals itself as a beautiful and surprising assertion of life.

>>Learn More about Episode 3

creative team André Alexis, Ross Manson, and Debashis Sinha; performers Bahia Watson, Becky Johnson, and Diana Leblanc

For the full impact of the sound and music, the episodes are best listened to through stereo headphones.

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A written transcript of the text is available via the link above

SummerWorks Presentations programming – a collection of fully-developed new works and touring productions, offering a snapshot of the future of contemporary performance.

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