Title: Volunteer Coordinator
Hours: Part-time (approx 20 hours/week): July 4- July 10 & August 22nd- September 2nd
Full-time (approx 40 hours/week): July 11- August 21st
Basis July 4- September 2
Fee: $7,000 CAD
The Volunteer Coordinator at SummerWorks is responsible for the recruitment, training, scheduling, volunteer appreciation events and other management of over 150 volunteers. The Volunteer Coordinator reports to the Head of Festival Production and Operations.
June 23rd: Application deadline – 11:59pm EST
Week of June 27: Candidate interviews (conducted via zoom)
July 4th: Contract start
September 2nd: Contract end
Submit your resume to hiring@summerworks.ca before the deadline date. A cover letter is not required. Please structure your subject line as:
The deadline for applications is June 23
You can send questions to hiring@summerworks.ca anytime up until the deadline date.