Expanding the possibilities
of performance

#SW35 Festival: August 7-17, 2025

A Dark Horse in Low Light


Presented in partnership with NTS Festival Ontario

The Theatre Centre - BMO Incubator

August 12, 12:30 PM

60 Minutes

Ticket Price
$15 / $25 / $35

A Dark Horse in Low Light, by Angela Rosete, Journey To, and collaborators, explores how photographic technology has reinforced racial inequality from the first camera to current social media filters. Three friends, all young women of colour, challenge each other in their quest to belong. They come to realize that the ingrained bias in photographic technology has defined them as ‘other.’

Continuing our partnership with the NTS Festival, SummerWorks is pleased to offer the artists who created A Dark Horse in Low Light the opportunity to further develop their work with a group of professional artists and a Summerworks audience.

written by Angela Rosete and Journey To

The listed performance times include a 15 minute Q&A.

A Dark Horse in Low Light was first created and performed by students of Loretto College in Toronto, for the NTS Festival Ontario.

SummerWorks Lab programming – a place for exploration, experimentation, and process, with diverse performance works shared at crucial stages of creative development, forging connections between artists and audiences.