Expanding the possibilities
of performance

Photo by Denis Martin


Dance / Free / Installation / Interdisciplinary / Relaxed Performance

Philippe Dépelteau

Evergreen Brick Works / Factory Theatre Courtyard

August 3, 10:00am

August 5, 1:30pm

180 Minutes

Ticket Price
FREE (no registration required)

Photo by Denis Martin

Between perpetual construction and collapse, two performers and some 250 bricks form ephemeral landscapes together. Their encounter traces fragments of houses to inhabit, which in turn fragment the performers’ bodies. Like a living mortar, the movement pours into the interstices of the installation. Conceived as sentient beings, the bricks enter in dialogue with the bodies. Within this evanescent dance, the performers appear and disappear into the material they’re engaging with, opening up a space for reflection on how we build and live in a transforming world.

August 3, 10:00am / Evergreen Brick Works

August 5, 1:30pm / Factory Theatre, Courtyard

Philippe Dépelteau: artistic director
Frédérique Perron: performance
Rakeem Hardy: performance

S’imbriquer received residency support from La Serre – Arts vivants, PPS Danse / Diagramme, Maison de la culture Plateau-Mont-Royal, and Tangente, as well as funding support from La Serre – Arts vivants, Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec, and Canada Council for the Arts.

All performances of S’imbriquer are designated as Relaxed Environments.

Please view our Inclement Weather Policy for more details about your visit to these outdoor presentations.

SummerWorks Public Works programming – bringing artists and audiences together to experience public space in new ways.