Expanding the possibilities
of performance

Tickets on Sale: July 11th!

Photo, courtesy of the artists

Neighbourhood Rest Stop

Free / Participatory / Relaxed Performance

Wild Soma

August 5, 11:30am

120 Minutes

Ticket Price

Photo, courtesy of the artists

What if the most important call to action right now is to Stop.  Rest. and Offer our nervous systems some time to recalibrate? Could we gather our selves together, step into a new paradigm, and ‘do rest’ for a while? Could we set aside time for meandering, for noticing connections, and begin illuminating a sense of interbeing as the living world?

We have all been through a lot the last few years and many of us are very tired.

Wild Soma is Julia Aplin, Shannon Litzenberger, Andrea Nann and Roula Said. In this roving outdoor experience, inspired by this time of social change and interconnection, Wild Soma aims to position the body as self, in reciprocal relationships to social, cultural, temporal and planetary ecosystems. Neighbourhood Rest Stop participatory invitations may involve things like: Sitting with Trees, Branch Balancing, Labyrinth Walking, Snacking, Napping and Doing Nothing.

Care will be centered. Bodies will be tended. Souls nourished.

Andrea Nann, Julia Aplin, Roula Said, Shannon Litzenberger: collaborating facilitators

Presented as part of SummerWorks’ Accessibility and Community Wellness Program, generously funded by Aubrey & Marla Dan Foundation.

SummerWorks Public Works programming – bringing artists and audiences together to experience public space in new ways.