Expanding the possibilities
of performance

#SW35 Festival: August 7-17, 2025

photo by Henry Chan

Making Space for Conflict & Dialogue


Presented in partnership with Generator

Artscape Youngplace

August 13, 2:00 PM

150 Minutes

Ticket Price

photo by Henry Chan

What can we do when we hurt each other? How can we respond supportively to people who have been directly harmed in our community? Through experiential and Theatre of the Oppressed techniques participants explore ways of dealing well with conflict, making space for healthier dialogue, and finding ways to treat each other better in arts spaces.

Led by Meg Saxby

This project was supported through Toronto Arts Council Strategic Funding as part of Generator’s Transform Dance project which is about finding ways into healing and community accountability within the dance sector in Toronto.

Limited capacity, we advise you RSVP in advance, choose this event option when booking your Exchange Day Pass.

ASL icon  Captioning icon

ASL interpretation will be provided for this event.
Captioning will be provided.


A group agreement to support safety and participation will be available online before the workshop. A therapist will be present to provide in-the-moment support to participants, should anyone need.

SummerWorks Exchange programming – a dynamic space for emergent creative thinking to come into focus, gathering artists and audiences together around relevant and urgent creative proposals and artistic practices.