Expanding the possibilities
of performance

#SW35 Festival: August 7-17, 2025

Photo by Action Hero and Mia + Eric

Future Perfect: New By-laws for Civic Spaces

Installation / Live Art / Participatory

Mia + Eric and Action Hero

Multiple Locations (View map below)

Ticket Price

Photo by Action Hero and Mia + Eric

Future Perfect: New By-laws for Civic Spaces is a hopeful, positive act of re-configuration. By-laws that regulate behaviours in civic spaces – in this case, Toronto’s Parks by-laws – are cut up word-by-word and meticulously rearranged into a new set of rules for a transitioning world.

From this new poetic script, selected phrases are enlarged and re-inserted back into the architecture of the cityscape on billboards, acting as playful instructions, permissions or manifestos; a collection of imagined alternative behaviours unfolding throughout the city. As the signs appear across the city from the words of Toronto’s existing by-laws, an accidental poetry emerges that invites the reader to imagine new ways to move through civic space; re-constructing and re-engineering possible futures.

You are invited to help with re-constructing Toronto’s new Future Perfect by-laws! Visit futureperfectbylaws.com to submit your own new rule, using cut-up words from the original text.


  • AUGUST 4-7, 12:00PM – 7:00PM/
  • AUGUST 10-13, 12:00PM – 7:00PM
  • AUGUST 14, 12PM – 4:00PM

You can visit The Bentway Studio (55 Fort York Blvd.) to see the artists at work during their Office Hours. Join in the rewriting process! These new by-laws are appearing across the city — locations mapped below. 

Co-presented with The Bentway, in association with The Theatre Centre, as part of ArtworxTO: Toronto’s Year of Public Art 2021-2022.

Mia + Eric and Action Hero

Supported by British Council, Farnham Maltings, the High Commission of Canada in the UK via the New Conversations Fund, and Arts Council England.

SummerWorks Public Works programming – bringing artists and audiences together to experience public space in new ways.