Expanding the possibilities
of performance

#SW35 Festival: August 7-17, 2025

Devising Immersive & Site Specific Performance


Presented in partnership with Outside the March


August 11, 4:30 PM

240 Minutes

Ticket Price

Interested in creating an Immersive or Site Specific performance project, but not sure where to start? Outside the March’s Rosamund Small and Mitchell Cushman lead you through a workshop focused on how to make your performance environment an active collaborator in your creation process. Participants take their ideas into
active creation and planning mode, using the landscape of Queen St West as a backdrop. Showings of projects incubated in this workshop will take place on closing weekend of the Festival.

SummerWorks Exchange programming – a dynamic space for emergent creative thinking to come into focus, gathering artists and audiences together around relevant and urgent creative proposals and artistic practices.