Expanding the possibilities
of performance

#SW35 Festival: August 7-17, 2025




August 8, 9:30 PM

August 10, 4:30 PM

August 10, 7:00 PM

August 11, 8:30 PM

August 12, 5:00 PM

August 12, 8:00 PM

30 Minutes

Ticket Price
$15 / $25 / $35

Through forward motion (and some hard steps back), solidarity and connectivity are used as choreographic tools of propulsion and expression. Employing depth of field through a feminist lens, we see a group of individuals in something together. There is some progress, and yet it is incomplete, complex and never enough. CLOSER is an exasperated, timely response.

Starting point is located at Toronto Media Arts Centre – 32 Lisgar St.

Directed and Choreographed by Jenn Goodwin in collaboration with Sarah Doucet, and performers Lua Shayenne, Sarah Doucet, Brandy Leary, Ravyn Wingz, Anita Nittoly; Diana Reyes (aka Fly Lady Di); Sarah Doucet; Francesca Chudnoff; Costumes by Sarah Doucet; Sound by Paul Shepherd & Valerie Calam / Company Vice Versa

SummerWorks Lab programming – a place for exploration, experimentation, and process, with diverse performance works shared at crucial stages of creative development, forging connections between artists and audiences.