Title: Patron Services Manager
Hours: Part-time (approx 20 hours/week): July 4- July 10 & August 22nd- September 2nd
Full-time (approx 40 hours/week): July 18- August 21st
Basis July 4- September 2
Fee: $7,000
Engagement conditions: Independent Contractor
The Patron Services Manager is an important part of our Festival team. They are responsible for the experience of our audiences from a Box Office and Front of House perspective. The Patron Services Manager oversees all aspects of ticketing and on site audience experience, including recruitment, training, scheduling, and management of a team of approximately 20 Front of House and Box Office staff during the Festival. The Patron Services Manager reports to the Head of Festival Production and Operations.
June 23rd: Application deadline
Week of June 27: Candidate interviews (conducted via zoom)
July 4th: Contract start
September 2nd: Contract end
Submit your resume to hiring@summerworks.ca before the deadline date. A cover letter is not required. Please structure your subject line as:
The deadline for applications is June 23
You can send questions to hiring@summerworks.ca anytime up until the deadline date.