Title: SummerWorks Festival Front of House Manager
Dates: August 4th-14th, 2022, with training on July 26th
Hours: Part time on weekends, with full time hours over the weekends.
Fee: $22/hour
Engagement conditions: Independent Contractor
• Managing a venue – setting up and reconciling box office, selling tickets, organizing line-ups, dealing with patrons service questions and issues, and liaising with technicians and artists as required.
• Managing and supporting volunteers effectively.
•Making public announcements to the audience before and after performances as required.
• Ensuring shows start on time and venue turnarounds are executed efficiently.
• Management of patron flow within the event spaces and ensuring capacity is maintained.
• Providing excellent customer service.
• Other duties as required.
• Have outstanding customer service skills.
• Ability to work in multiple locations around the city in one day
• Be able to multitask in a busy and fast-paced environment.
• Be able to work independently and with a team.
Previous Box Office or Front of House experience is an asset.
July 20th: Application deadline
Week of July 17: Candidate interviews
July 26th: Front of House training; time TBD
August 4-14: Festival
Submit your resume to boxoffice@summerworks.ca before the deadline date. A cover letter is not required. Please structure your subject line as:
The deadline for applications is July 14th
You can send questions to boxoffice@summerworks.ca anytime up until the deadline date.