Expanding the possibilities
of performance

#SW35 Festival: August 7-17, 2025

Inclement Weather Policy

Last update: 28 July 2024

SummerWorks is committed to upholding the health and safety of artists and audiences.

SummerWorks may postpone or cancel an outdoor performance or event, due to unsafe conditions caused by heavy rain or other kinds of inclement weather. Postponements and/or cancellations will occur no earlier than 10:00am on the performance/event day. 

(NOTE: some performances/events may move forward in light rain or mild conditions, so please prepare appropriately for these weather scenarios.)

If the weather forecast is uncertain, all artists, staff members, and volunteers will be present at the outdoor venue to assess the safety of the performance/event site. A decision will be confirmed one (1) hour prior to the performance/event time. In the event of a postponement or cancellation, an announcement will be delivered onsite by a SummerWorks team member, followed by updates on social media.

In the case of a thunderstorm or other kinds of severe weather while onsite, SummerWorks team members will enact our Thunderstorm Response Plan. In the case of lightning within the surrounding area, all work must pause for thirty (30) minutes onsite. All artists, staff members, volunteers, and audience members will be instructed to take shelter in designated areas. 

Additional information about rain dates or alternate performances will be communicated onsite (if known) and/or by updates on social media. 

(NOTE: In some cases, we may defer to our venue partner or presenting partner, to follow their onsite inclement weather protocols and procedures.)

For ALL outdoor events, please stay hydrated by bringing your own bottled water and snacks to the site. We strongly encourage a hat or head covering, as well as sunscreen. If you begin to feel unwell at any time during the event, please connect with a SummerWorks staff member or volunteer onsite.

E+ARTx H2 – St. Andrew’s Playground Park

If an outdoor engagement is not possible, this presentation will move indoors to Ace Hotel Toronto, located directly across the street from St. Andrew’s Playground Park. SummerWorks staff members and volunteers will be onsite to support wayfinding to and within the building. Every attempt will be made to ensure that all patrons are able to experience this presentation.

Homebuddies – Lisgar Park

If Homebuddies is cancelled, due to inclement weather, we strongly encourage attendance at the next available performance at Evergreen Brick Works on Saturday, August 10th at 11:00am. Please refer to the SummerWorks website or our Festival Guide for details.

Homebuddies – Evergreen Brick Works

In the case of inclement weather, this moving presentation will occur underneath the roof of the Evergreen Brick Works market area, and it will likely move forward in most weather conditions. In the case of severe weather, the presentation may move indoors to the Young Centre BMO Atrium. This location change will either be communicated in advance on SummerWorks social media channels or at the event site.

If an outdoor or indoor presentation is not possible, this presentation will be cancelled, and there are no scheduled rain dates for this presentation. 

in-between space lab / 인-비트윈 스페이스 랩 – The Citadel: Ross Centre for Dance

In the event of inclement weather, this presentation will proceed entirely indoors at The Citadel: Ross Centre for Dance.

Neighbourhood Rest Stop – St. Andrew’s Playground Park and surrounding areas

If an outdoor engagement is not possible, this presentation will move indoors to Ace Hotel Toronto, located directly across the street from St. Andrew’s Playground Park. SummerWorks staff members and volunteers will be onsite to support wayfinding to and within the building. Every attempt will be made to ensure that all patrons are able to experience this presentation.

Rudy Ray & Co. & Surrendered Spirits – David Crombie Park

This presentation may move forward in mild weather conditions. If an outdoor presentation is not possible, the event will likely move indoors to the Jamii Hub at the corner of Berkeley St & The Esplanade. This location change will either be communicated in advance on SummerWorks social media channels or at the event site.

This indoor space is very intimate and cannot accommodate a large number of people. Every attempt will be made to ensure that all patrons are able to experience this presentation.

If this presentation is cancelled, due to inclement weather, we strongly encourage attendance at the next available presentation on August 2nd. Please refer to the SummerWorks website or our Festival Guide for details.

There are no scheduled rain dates for this presentation. 

S’imbriquer – Evergreen Brick Works

This presentation will occur underneath the roof of the Evergreen Brick Works market area, and it will likely move forward in most weather conditions. In the case of severe weather, the presentation will move indoors to the Young Centre BMO Atrium. This location change will either be communicated in advance on SummerWorks social media channels or at the event site.

If this presentation is cancelled, due to inclement weather, we strongly encourage attendance at the next available presentation on August 5th. Please refer to the SummerWorks website or our Festival Guide for details.

S’imbriquer – Factory Courtyard

This presentation will move forward in very mild conditions. 

In the case of more severe weather conditions, this presentation will be cancelled, and there are no scheduled rain dates for this presentation. 

SummerWorks at Union: Festival Opening / Telehorn / CORPUS – Union Station

These presentations will move forward in very mild conditions. 

In the case of more severe weather conditions, these presentations will be cancelled, and there are no scheduled rain dates for these presentations. 

Sur-veil Salon – Theatre Passe Muraille, Backspace and surrounding areas

These presentation will move forward in very mild conditions. 

In the case of more severe weather conditions, these presentations will be cancelled, and there are no scheduled rain dates for these presentations.

Wheezy Breezy – Regent Park

If Wheezy Breezy is cancelled, due to inclement weather, we strongly encourage attendance at the next available performance. Please refer to the SummerWorks website or our Festival Guide for details.

There are no scheduled rain dates for this presentation.